18 November 2009

to be honest, I'm a little scared.

So on the weekend I made this pretty blog.
Something I'd been wanting to do for a while.
But I couldn't bring myself to post in it.
Yes, I went to all the effort of making a banner and picking out nice colours, but just couldn't post.
What if no one wanted to know about my life or my art or the art in my life?
So while trying to find the courage to just post I found out some devastating news that would turn my blog upside down.
I was convinced that it would fail for curtain now.
What was this news you ask?
My doctor is putting me on antidepressants.
Now this is it's self I didn't mind so much, I do really want to get better.
But the bad news was that my inspiration was going to be lost.
She told me it happeneds to EVERY creative person that goes on ANY type of antidepressant.
So I was shocked and annoyed.
What would I do with my blog?
But... I've decided that I'm going to do it anyways.
I'm going to try my hardest to not lose this big part of me.

1 comment:

  1. that is a lot of writing. I think I'mma make the font smaller...
